International Deliveries

You can also send flowers via Interflora to relatives, friends or business partners living in another country. You can send flowers to 140 countries through our wide network and there are 56 000 member stores at your service.

Ordering an international delivery

You don’t have to be signed in to our webstore to order flowers. You can see the selection of the country by clicking “Send flowers” at the top banner of the webstore and choosing your destination country from the “Country” -field. Additional products are combined with flower products when ordering internationally.

After you have completed your order, you will get a confirmation email to the e-mail you provided. The order is then being handled at the Interflora Finland office and after check-up it will be sent to the office at the destination country. Flowers will be delivered by a local flower shop in the destination country. There are no automated delivery confirmation emails like in domestic orders. You can ask for a delivery confirmation by contacting the Interflora office at

International delivery fee is 18€ and it is added to the order in the shopping cart. In addition, the price of flowers includes a local delivery charge, which varies by country. To some locations there might be extra delivery fee, if there's no Interflora-shop in that location. If the delivery is not possible to some certain area, our office will contact you in both cases.

It is especially important to provide the recipient's phone number. Deliveries vary depending on the country, so it is important to provide the recipient’s exact contact info. We cannot guarantee that the flowers can be left at the door, because of weather conditions or practices in different countries.

You can order from here.

Read more:

  • You can find our Terms of Delivery here.
  • Read more about Payment Methods here.
  • Read more bout Order and Delivery here.